Wednesday 8 November 2017

Psychological thriller pitch

This it the pitch for our initial idea for our our psychological thriller.

For the first slide, we just used the title/logo for our film, and all three of our names. We decided that we wanted the title to look hand written, so we looked through the fonts, and decided to use the font 'Biro'.

For our next slide, we cover the basic plot of our film, but it is not written in much detail, as we will explain it in more detail when we actually present the pitch. the film follows four drunk teenagers who are trapped in a school with a killer called Sharpie, and one by one the teens go missing.

For this slide, we cover the cast we are hopefully going to be using on our trailer, and what they will be wearing. Hopefully, i will be playing the killer, as he can be played by anyone because his identity is unknown, as he is wearing a mask.

This slide is quite short, as it explaining some of the props we will be using. we could not think of that many, as we don't think many will be needed.

This slide covers the USP of our film. it will create tension as the audience will know someone has died, but they are unsure who.

This slide covers the music and target audience. they were put on the same slide as they were both quite short topics to cover. we are hoping to make our own music for our trailer, using violins and drums possibly with some other instruments as well. the target audience will be people in their late teens/young adults, and will be mainly for thrill seekers.

This slide talks about the different settings we will need to use. at the moment, we don't think we will need to use more than three settings, a pub, on a street, and in the school.

For this slide we talk about the different camera work that will be used. there will be multiple tracking, close up and panning/wide shots. we may also be able to get Arial shots thanks to a drone that Jak owns, and fast paced moving shots as i can now drive, so we could film from inside my car.

In this slide, we talk about the different editing techniques we will probably be using when making our trailer. A lot of these follow typical conventions of psychological thriller trailers such as fades to black and montages.

In the last slide, we talk about some of the conventions that our film trailer follows, such as sudden change of pace, production company information and titles, and leaving the audience on a cliffhanger.

1 comment:

  1. This is better work Adam - keep it up and keep uploading your planning regularly. Well done. Sir


Third and final draft of the trailer

Here is the third and final draft of our trailer for our psychological thriller, called 'Sharpie'