Wednesday 8 November 2017

Production company logo.

For our film trailer, we weren't sure at first whether or not we wanted to use the same production company name as last year, but at the moment we have decided that we are. one thing that is going to change,  however, is the logo for 'lone wolf productions'.
Here is our logo from last year:

We decided that this logo probably wouldn't suit the tone of our psychological thriller trailer, so we wanted to make a new one. Using basic tools in power point, i was able to make and animate a first draft for our new logo:

The aim for this logo was to make it look like it had been drawn on to a piece of paper with a sharpie, as 'sharpie' is currently the name for our film.

Since i made this new logo, we decided again that we were going to have a new production company, and therefore a new logo. Using Photoshop, Jak cam up with a new name a few new logos for our company, which is now called 'JADOSH Productions' and has these logos:

Once Jak had created these potential logos, we discussed which one we would like to use in a Facebook group chat:

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Third and final draft of the trailer

Here is the third and final draft of our trailer for our psychological thriller, called 'Sharpie'