Friday 15 December 2017

Filming the trailer

For the filming of our trailer, we intended to use a camera provided by Josh, even though he had left our group, as he had said prior to leaving that he would, but we ended up using a camera provided by the school. We filmed in the school, out on the streets near the school, and in a pub called 'Ye Olde Sun' which is a few minutes walk from school. In one of our lessons, we went out onto on of  the schools fields with Jaks' drone, to film the shot of the school from above, which is shown over the news report voice over. when we filmed it however, the drone didn't have much charge, so we only had one attempt to get the footage we needed at that opportunity. this paired with the fact that we couldn't actually see what the drone was recording as it was recording it meant that we didn't know if we had usable footage until Jak checked the footage at home, as the schools computers don't have micro SD card readers, and we didn't have any adapters so that we could see the footage then and there. Unfortunately it then turned out that Jak couldn't check the footage either because he didn't have the necessary equipment to do so. To get around this, we just took one of the schools cameras and took it to the top of our schools sixth form block, and was able to get a good shot of the school from above that way. We filmed after school on a Wednesday, and the filming took about 2 1/2 - 3 hours to complete.

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Third and final draft of the trailer

Here is the third and final draft of our trailer for our psychological thriller, called 'Sharpie'