Friday 20 April 2018

Research for the trailer

For inspiration for our trailer we looked a lot a films such as 'The Snowman' and 'Se7en'. We took inspiration for the title from the title of se7en, which had white writing on a black background, with white patches around the writing. We copied some of these ideasfor our own title, with the colours, and hazy effct that the writing had over it.

For the pacing and overall feel of our trailer, we took a lot of inspiration from 'The Snowman', as both films start of relatively calm, build up through the revealing of someone dying, the the building of tense music in the background, the reaching a climax in music and tension, then slowly revealing the title and the end, with music in the background.

Image result for SAWThe 2004 film SAW, although not technically a psychological thriller, was also briefly used in our research, when discussing location. The argument came up that you could not film an entire film in one location, and the film SAW was brought up, as almost all of this film is in one room. This didn't result in out film being entirely in one place, as we have the scene in the pub at the beginning, and the scenes where they are walking through various streets, however a lot of the film is based in the school.
Image result for MementoImage result for Shutter IslandSome inspiration for our film could be drawn from films such as 'The Shining' (1980) and 'Psycho' (1960), as they are films based around focusing on people being chased, or hunted, by an individual who is after revenge or just homicide. Similarities could also be drawn from the 2010 film 'Shutter Island' which is about trying to escape a prison, which is the same sort of light that the school is seen in, in our trailer. 1999's 'The Sixth Sense' is about a man who is visited by ghosts, which can be compared to the antagonist in Sharpie, who is seen as a mysterious character that can be anywhere he wants/needs, with a sort of 'Hazy' feel about him.The same could be said about 'Memento' (2000), which is a film that follows a man determined on vengeance for his murdered wife, but faces difficulties along the way. As we do not know the intentions of Sharpie from just the trailer, his intentions, and reasoning could be anything.
Image result for The Shining

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Third and final draft of the trailer

Here is the third and final draft of our trailer for our psychological thriller, called 'Sharpie'