Wednesday 29 November 2017

Adapting to a team member leaving

Just as we were about to get to the stage where we could start filming, Josh, one of our group of 3, drops the subject, leaving just me and Jak. He had briefly mentioned that he was considering it the previous week, but i hadn't thought he'd go through with it so soon.When i found this out, it did quite annoy me as he'd given us hardly any warning, he had said that he was going to get hold of the camera we were going to use do that we could have effects such as pull focus, so we would have to find another camera, or use one of the schools ones. We had recently changed the production company logo so that it was a combination of our three names, so that will have to be changed again.

1 comment:

  1. An honest response! You shuld do an update, and show how you've turned a negative situation into a positive by adapting creatively. Sir


Third and final draft of the trailer

Here is the third and final draft of our trailer for our psychological thriller, called 'Sharpie'